'✰FIZZYGLOW FASHION✰ - ThunDON\'T | Stat Breakdown (MHW:Iceborne)'

05:02 Aug 17, 2022
'Details my Secondary Heavy Bowgun Build, which focuses on High Range Damage and Lots of Expendable High-Tier Ammo.   This one is mostly Non-Elemental, making it pretty useful for enemies with lots of mobility and unpredictable attacks in larger areas. It started purely as a Fashion build, but after acquiring a few. nice Layered pieces  was able to apply some nice utility to it (and give it that nice Electric Eel vibe I wanted).  Song: \"Separated Offering\" 渡部恭久/Yasuhisa Watanabe from Senko no Ronde Dis-United Order Sound Track ------- Footage is primarily from streams and LAN parties. To keep up with our current and future games, or check out all the incredible and exciting projects our studio teams is currently working on, visit us at: www.jetsetmelondrop.com or jsmdpro.com  You can catch me live at twitch.tv/sodamelon Puzzle Palace: Episodes on Mondays as available. FizzyGlowGaming: Fridays 9PM - 12PM (EST) FizzyGlow Versus!/FGG: ENDGAME: Select Weekends, 8PM ~ 3AM (EST)  -This video and channel are not monetized-' 

Tags: footage , build , video games , streaming , playstation4 , monster hunter world , Monster Hunter World Iceborne , iceborne , MHWI , monster hunter world fashion , FGG , FizzyGlow Gaming , Søda , Meløn , Bowgun Build , FGGE , fizzyglowgaming

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